
Friday, 6 February 2015

Thoughts of the Week

Blogging is hard!

This is what I've noticed so far. Deciding what to write about and then finding the time to write about it is difficult when you have uni and general day duties to attend to. I've also found that it's fun to think about what to write about, then actually do it when you have a brilliant idea.

This week's post is a weekly round up as I have not had any inspiration about a certain topic, so apologies if this post is very general.

So this week was the first week of February, and here's a few things I've discovered:

1. February does not automatically mean spring will arrive

I am sick of this cold weather and throwing on a jumper everyday. I want warmer weather where I can venture out without freezing my butt off and not having a thick coat/hat/scarf/gloves. I don't handle the cold well, I am much more suited to warmer climates. With the arrival of February, I kind of assumed the weather would warm up straight away seeing as next month is March and therefore it will be Spring. But I quickly realised that we are very much still in deep winter and it's still cold enough to snow. Cool for school children, not cool for summer lovers.

2. February 1st equals Valentines Day bombardments!

Us singletons loathe this time of year, and it makes it worse that the first two weeks of February means getting soppy cards and chocolates shoved in our face every time you enter a shop. It is hyped up a lot and lucky for me, I get to celebrate my friends birthday every valentines day. But every other email I receive is Valentines related. And, if you're like me and lead a complicated love life (a.k.a not entirely single but not at the relationship stage), it means I have no clue what to do. Do I get him something, a card? Or do I face leaving it and giving the wrong impression? So many dilemmas...

3. 2015 is going way too quickly already

Its already the second month of 2015 and I feel like it was only Christmas last week. It has made me realise that this year will not slow down for anyone, and that before we know it, Christmas will be here again and we'll be welcoming 2016! Scary! Also, the fact that I graduate next year is terrifying. But I do find it difficult to appreciate time at the moment as I'm so busy with various errands, and nothing particularly exciting has happened yet which means time passes by so fast without me even realising. One thing I will try to do is slow down and reflect on the year. Whether this be taking time out for a walk or having a cup of tea without checking my phone, but just thinking about life. Sounds deep but it's those moments in life that you wish you had appreciated more when looking back.

4. I have managed to achieve quite a few of my New Years Resolutions already

Looking back at my new year post, I have managed to become healthier and this has improved my mindset drastically! I have noticed that I have a whole new outlook on life! Also, I have spent my money wisely but in exciting ways (also covers the 'grabbing more opportunities'). I am off to Barcelona at the end of March (and I cannot wait!!!). I got accepted to work in USA for a whole 3 months which covers my travelling more resolution, and I even regularly update this blog! Pretty good going. The only thing I haven't been able to achieve yet is learning a new language, but I still have plenty of time for that to happen.
If you want to look back at my new year post, here is the link:

Comment on this post if you have achieved any of your resolutions, or what you are looking forward to for 2015 still!

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