
Saturday, 14 March 2015

A Few of My Favourite Things (Spring Edition)

Another week has gone and it feels as if March is almost over! It's scary how quickly time flies.
So this week has been one of those stressful, hard and exhausting weeks and I am so glad that it's nearly over. I have had copious amounts of coursework due in, with 3 pieces still left to go. As I have been in the library most of the week, I haven't really given much thought to what I would blog about today (do I ever?) 

Flowers are blooming outside my house already!
But the weather was so warm this week that it got me really excited for spring. It's not long now till the clocks for forward and the mornings and evenings will be lighter, yay!

So here are my favourite things about spring:

1. Warmer temperatures and Sunnier days

There is nothing better than being able to sit outside with a cup of tea and not be freezing your arse off! As already mentioned, the weather has improved a few days and it's been warm enough to sit outside. It's still not warm enough to venture out without a coat, but its sunny and bright enough to wear sunglasses and to feel warmth radiating from the sun. All this vitamin D seems to put everyone is a better mood and I cannot wait for the days to be like this most of the time.

2. Easter treats everywhere!

If theres one thing I love more than sleeping, it's eating! Especially chocolate. Which makes Easter one of my favourite times of the year. And I love the fact that supermarkets have got walls full of any easter egg you could possible think of. For those who give up chocolate for lent, I do not know how you do it! Creme eggs, mini eggs, Lindt bunnies, hot cross buns, easter sweets uhmm it's making me hungry even typing about it! 

3. Brighter Colours

The shops are bringing in their spring/summer collections and I love seeing brighter colours everywhere. It is such a change from seeing the classic winter monochrome look that is so boring. Spring makes me want to dig out all my dresses, skirts, white clothing, wear bright coloured lipsticks everyday and to add something extra to my outfits. I instantly feel more stylish and summery and this improves my mood.

4. Flowers!

Similar to the warmer weather, but I love seeing the pretty flowers bloom whilst walking to uni every morning. Next to my house we have lots of daffodils growing and seeing them instantly makes me happy. It's depressing when you think how most plants die over winter so its a breath of fresh air to begin to see flowers and sprouting leaves on trees. When the sun's out, it can make where I live look so pretty compared to looking at it on a grey and dismal day.

5. Longer Days

My final point relates to when the clocks go forward, and the days are lighter! This makes it seem like there are more hours in the day even though there isn't, but keeps you awake for longer as when it gets dark, I instantly switch to bed mode. This means I can now go for a run in the evening and not have to worry about having to do it in the dark, or make more evening plans that can go on for longer. Also early mornings are now easier to get up for as it will be lighter. I also feel peoples mood's improve when they feel more productive from longer daylight hours. It helps with communication on early mornings if the sun is shining and generally makes a long day that tiny bit better.

So as we head into spring, one thing I will make sure I am doing is enjoying the English country. As I'm away all summer, I don't have the opportunity to experience British summer, although I will be experiencing US summer so I'm not complaining. But it's the little aspects of spring that makes living in England seem so lovely and nice. We may not have the hottest temperatures or be the country with the most iconic locations, but we do have a unique way of living that makes it so quintessentially British!

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