
Tuesday, 5 April 2016

How To Deal With Rejection

 Rejection, isn't it the worst feeling in the world?!

It makes you feel like you aren't good enough or makes you question why someone didn't like you.

This post has come about because today I received not one but two rejections in the space of an hour, and it occurred to me that at some point in everyone's life, they have been rejected, probably multiple times.

Whether its from a job, your crush, friends, family or even from your pets, it has the ability to crush your dreams in a matter of seconds.

I've personally experienced rejection from a lot of things like jobs, universities, friends and boys! It sucks!

The idea I will probably face even more rejection in the future scares me a little! So this is why we must learn to accept rejection, develop a (extra) thick skin and use it to improve ourselves.

If it's one thing that most successful people have in common, its that they have been rejected many times before they became successful. Take JK Rowling, who got rejected from multiple publishers when she sent them Harry Potter. But all it took was one acceptation to turn her into a multimillionaire who is the author of one of the most successful book series in the world!

Rejection is necessary for us to re-evaluate ourselves and improve, so that next time, rejection doesn't take place.

Yes other people are luckier and face very little rejection, but I truly believe that they cannot be the best version of themselves because they haven't had the chance to experience a situation where you have to critically analyse yourself. People that don't deal with a lot of rejection are disadvantaged, as they cannot take this on board and learn to rethink in situations, or come up with different solutions to one problem.

Having this skill means that you can identify the areas of your life that need improving, and do something about it to make it better. 

If you find it hard to deal with rejection, just remember that everyone is different and this means that you may not be suited to a particular person, career or relationship. But having this variety of personalities means that there will be plenty of other options. We are fortunate to live in a society where there are so many opportunities around us so being rejected from one thing allows us to explore other pathways and open our minds.

I was lucky with the rejections I received today because they made me realise that I didn't really want those jobs in the first place, and therefore it made my career decision even clearer.

Take the rejection onboard, use it to figure out what possibly went wrong, then try and improve on this. If that fails, try something else!

I will leave this post with a quote from one of my favourite movies. This film is not very popular or heard of and may sound silly, but I used to watch it many times as a child and I'm grateful that this quote was instilled in my brain!

 'You try. You fail. You try. You fail. But the only true failure is when you stop trying.' Madame Leota, The Haunted Mansion, Disney 2003.

This quote then follows, which pretty much sums up how you should deal with rejection the next time you receive it.

'Jim: What do you want me to do? Huh? 

Madame Leota: Try again. '

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