I attended my first graduation (and hopefully more to come) last week, where I wore the black robes and graduation cap to officially graduate with BSc degree in Biomedical Science.
On one of the hottest days of the year, everyone dressed up very formally and wore their robes with pride, including me. There's something about wearing graduation robes which makes you feel important, or an extra in a Harry Potter movie. I didn't want to take it off at the end of the day!

The day was more than my outfit though, it was the sense of achievement that could be felt in the room, and seeing everyone walk on that stage and shake the chancellors hand. It made me feel proud of what I have done, and even better for making not just me but my parents proud as well.
The graduation ceremony was over in a flash and thankfully I didn't trip in my heels whilst walking across the stage! After hanging around after the ceremony to chat, take pictures of me throwing my hat in the air, and have a well deserved glass of prosecco, I found it was time to leave the city where I had spent 3 years living and studying.
Whilst driving out of the city, it was sad to leave behind some of the best memories of my life, yet I felt happy to leave some of my worst (university is not always the best moments of your life).
I couldn't help feel excited for the future, as those three years made me realise who I want to be and what I want to do with my life.
I am so grateful for everything I have learnt from university, as well as the mistakes that I have made. It has given me so many opportunities and so many new perspectives.
If you happen to be reading this and are at/going to university, you will come out a new person. It will make you grow, and the graduation ceremony is so worth all those hard times. Giving up is easy, but you will grow more as a person if you take the hard route.
And so I shall leave this post with one of my favourite quotes of all time, from a man I admire and who inspires me to keep dreaming.
"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Walt Disney
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